Some (interesting) questions
This is a list of questions I would like write about at some point.
- Where does the dust at home come from?
- How to prepare visiting a museum?
- How much information to share with close circle?
- Why do humans lie? Is being truthful always a good thing?
- Is DNA really solely making us?
- Is mathematical aptitude a key for programming?
- What is the most important thing you could do to change/improve yourself?
- In this era, can people really love each other?
- Are we going for domino effect in terms of climate warming?
- What is the best country to live in the world, in Europe?
- Is buying a house a good investment? If so, where is the best place?
- What is interesting coming in programming world that needs close attention?
- How to sleep better?
- What is the best drink for a programmer?
- How to be a 1000x developer?
- What are very important things that must be prevented in a relationship?
- How to check the health of a relationship?
- How to understand the one significant other?