You're the easiest person to fool. Be open-minded to take this unsolicited advice but not up to the level such that your brain would fall out.
Internalize 48 laws of power such that know where to practice and recognize when it is exercised on you. Be extra careful about law 10, to cut unlucky, unhappy, and unstable immediately. That being said, behave honorably, always.
know your strength and kill anything that softens it
use help from professionals such as a stylist
have a (life) mentor to navigate all
Live by the 8th wonder, compound interest. Don't worry and be average with good habits, the greatness will arrive eventually. Relatedly, entrepreneurship is just staying long in the game. Some personal favorites:
keep your freedom at all costs
write; this includes extensive reading
visit every country as early as possible
have a (romantic or business) partner from the main cultures that feed the world; preferably learn their languages too
spend time with kids (creativity) and old people (bias) i.e. our point is that they still have the wits; otherwise it teaches other skills; patience, communication, tenderness, etc.
learn how money works and be financially independent
run consistently
practice one self-defense sport and be discrete about it
make music, or some sort of art
Have a plan. It can be coerce corrected but never walk backward.
stop everything until the basis of the plan has emerged
don't talk about it until done and don't waste time
always spend at least 70% of your time on the most important task
always put a deadline and live by the calendar
if a step is big, split it into smaller milestones with their respective deadlines
Study the big ideas of each discipline (i.e. biology, sociology, music, architecture etc.) and read their bible; also read the Bible, which is an ultimate source of the western culture.
- read (auto)biographies of the exceptional and/or universal people i.e. who know everything such as Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson (the assumed last), etc.
Unless knowing what to work on, pick something from the intersection of literature (people), finance (money) and computer science (language). If you still don't know what to do, copy and repeat something working in this intersection.
Focus on the job, ignore any other could-be nice opportunities and do the best work at the job for optimum career progression.
follow the idea, not the companies
quit and search until finding exactly what you want; that lets you work on the idea meaningfully to make an impact or to learn its domain details
stick to your team; they will follow you to make the next challenge or you will be pulled thanks to them
spend time with the seed crystals; great people who bring in more great people
Carve a mind-blowing David; no compromises, focus on the core (i.e. leg and abdomen) for the most impact but care about completeness.
it's more crucial than implied; people always lie
it has phenomenal long-term secondary benefits and boosts confidence more than anything
don't forget that science backs that attractive/beautiful is luckier
Your mum made you, basically what you're today but the significant one (partner) is the limit of what you could become. Like almost everything, dating is also an art with grounded rules. One way or another, nothing beats practice unless you put yourself into a physically dangerous situation, never lose -the game must go on within the margin of risk.
don't wait, practice can't be acquired while waiting
never do easy, fail in public
spice it up, try what you don't have or even hate (by the way, know its cons but don't get emotional, hate is just too hard to manage). On the other hand, you should try the same thing multiple times to compare intrinsically and to have a statistical basis
be confident, dominate but don't intimidate; dangerous if no exit
be nice but moderate; prefer kind over nice, confident over obedient. In the long run, you would want somebody who values being kind and can talk independently because people who prefer being nice and pompous are generally weak and impatient, which are characteristics of the losers (i.e. remember rule #10 and Lewis' white rabbit)
if you met her online, be sure to study her profile. At least, prepare a great answer to what stands out in her profile and why you liked her
don't ask why questions because they are too direct and make people uncomfortable. Prefer what and how because they welcome the other person to talk more. At every opportunity, invite her to talk about herself. Don't forget people are in love with themselves
leverage location to find common local exceptional experiences
make a reasonable budget and pay unconditionally and if she doesn't offer something back until your budget is spent, say bye to her. If you can't allocate a budget, don't waste your time because it's never about money. If it's really about money, stop dating right now because there are more important things to cover. That being said, if she is a fit (has a similar mindset to apply this advice so far), money will never be a problem for her either since the system takes care of it
don't ignore physical appearance and related habits, you will wake up to that face every day and those habits will shape your body (it's likely the only thing you won't get a second chance on)
while complimenting, if you use a female adjective, balance it out with a manly adjective such as kind vs honorable, autonomous vs independent, beautiful vs strong, etc.
if you didn't kiss her multiple times the first time at least, don't call it a date
deliver (what you came for), she is there for a reason. Don't forget that it's usually a kind of tabu so the easiest way to blow her mind. If it's not a tabu for her, you need to be extra careful about your physical security and health
be patient but know when to quit
never mention being a friend or breaking up; just do it
if she is smart, don't forget that she is reading this before seeing you and will also be prepared (i.e. which makes everything more fun)
Asking smart questions is the easiest way to impress smart people and acquire wisdom. However, be careful that smart people will avoid answering the question first by themselves and will ask it back slightly modified (because they also want to learn fast, they are humble and careful), and eventually, you will need to share some thoughtful ideas for a would-be answer so think through your questions first in depth. It doesn't require preparing a full answer but at least a direction to ease the conversation. You're crossed by them unless you defend this counter-attack satisfactorily.
if you are sure that the person on the other end is smart and is answering your questions directly, you're not asking hard enough
if you are sure that the person on the other end is smart and not asking the same question back, they don't think you're of the same caliber as them
Don't ask for feedback because the natural inclination is to criticize and it's easy to look down on you. It creates alienation between people. Ask for advice instead to bring others into your team as supporters because it feels like they would fail if you fail since you exercise their guidance.
Trust people by default because it's a great example of positive asymmetry, lots of upside with little downside. 3-5% of people will try to get the advantage of you but trying to prevent this from happening will reduce the upper bound of what is possible.
Be very careful about maps/models because they show the mistake you do while using them but they don't show the mistake you're doing by choosing them. For example, a map app shows a faster route compared to another one but it doesn't say anything that you lose by using it in default settings.
Some more points to be extended:
sleep (amount, quality, time, etc.) + aging (teeth, posture, skin, etc.)
know thyself (16 personalities, self-feedback loop)
personal principles & values + when to compromise/give up
quality shopping (food, shoes, bed, chair, shampoo, AAPL, etc.)
tabus in education (sex, politics, religion, etc.)
GI Joe bias + mental models
tips (culture, career, dating, time, hobby, investment, etc.)